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Day 135 - 2/21/19

I have an MRI scheduled for today.

I wasn’t sure if the way that I felt about my 1st MRI was because I didn’t know what to expect, but after my appointment today, I can honestly now say that I don’t like MRI’s. I’m sure that no one truly “likes” them, but I believe I have a distinct dislike for them that makes me want to avoid, at all costs, going forward. I’m sure I can’t get away from ever having them again, but I’d like to just go on record of saying that I don’t like them. :)

Despite my disdain for the procedure, I am eagerly awaiting the results. The results will confirm the treatment for the next steps, as well as, give my oncologist a better insight as to what’s going on with the cancer on my sternum. I’m not sure how long it will take the results to come in, so rest is the next most important item on my to-do list. That is, after my meds and fluids. And I am happy to report that sleep finds me quickly, when we make it back home.

"Christ has also introduced us to God’s undeserved kindness on which we take our stand. So we are happy, as we look forward to sharing in the glory of God. But that’s not all! We gladly suffer, because we know that suffering helps us to endure. And endurance builds character, which gives us a hope" Romans 5: 2-4 (CEV)

Day 136:


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