Day 112 - 1/29/19
I woke this morning with achiness in my muscles. The achiness is not bad enough to take any acetaminophen yet. I’ll hold off as long as I...
Day 111 - 1/28/19
Chemo Treatment # 5!!! Only 1 more to go after this one! Another pre-chemo night without any sleep. I have been up since yesterday...
Day 107 - 1/24/19
Since I’m on the upswing of regaining strength, I wanted to stop in the office to say hello to part of my support system. By now, my...
Day 99 - 1/16/19
I woke up this morning with pain in my bones from the shot. This is a different kind of pain than what I experience from the chemo. The...
Day 97 - 1/14/19
After the 1st chemo session, my oncology team determined that the week following chemo, my white blood count should be measured, and, if...
Cut the Cords
You are liberating yourself by releasing those that have bound you with pain. If you can visualize a spiritual cord, with you on one end...