Day 15 - 10/24/18
So I probably should have given a disclaimer when I started writing this blog. It's a little late now, but in light of new developments,...
Day 14 - 10/23/18
It looks like my doctor is still waiting on approvals from the insurance company, so chemo will not start tomorrow. I'm kind of...
Day 12 - 10/21/18
The remainder of the weekend has passed by uneventfully. Since I'm taking the pain medication regularly, I'm not in a lot of...
Day 10 - 10/19/18
The mediport was inserted today. I wasn't sure of what to expect, but I thought that I would have had more anxiety than I did. My doctor...
Day 9 - 10/18/18
So tomorrow's the day I get the chemo port. I'm still holding steady with my trust and faith in God. I want to make a point of saying...
Day 8 - 10/17/18
My first ever MRI was yesterday. If I can go the rest of my life with never having to do that again, I would be so appreciative. It...